Now, let's continue to talk about the troubleshooting of Led torches. You can do some maintenance in accordance with the following methods by yourself.
1, check the battery of Led torches : Make sure the battery of Led torches has power and the battery in the correct direction, do not use different brands of batteries, old and new batteries can not be mixed;
2, identify the problem of Led torches: Unscrew the end of Led torches, exposing the battery anode, with the key or the tweezers, metal to connect the negative terminal and battery flashlight the not oxidized body is to see if it lights up. If the Led torches can, that is the problem of flashlight switches, please check by step 3; If not lit, please check the circuit and board positions at the solder connections, whether have opened welding or cold solder joint, you can solve the problem with re-welding.
3, check the tail cap switch of Led torches: Unscrew the end of Led torches, you can see two pressure switches concave rings out of the switch. Using tweezers rotate on the concave point with the clockwise, check whether the switch pressure ring is loose, and then ensure the switch of Led torches is pressed the switch on the pressure ring.